Tuesday 21 December 2010

LIIAR Interpretation Of The Brief - Main Task

Language - All magazine will consist of a masthead, an image and cover stories. Most images used on the front of a music magazine are medium close up but if there a band they are usually a full body shot, they can vary depending on the artist and genre of the magazine. Depending on what type of music it is EG. Rock, the colours will be dark like black and greys but if the magazine is a Hip Hop magazine, the colours will be more colourful like reds and blues.
Insitution-A music magazine always has a publisher, publishers such as Future and development. The band itself can be an institution. The media are there to make a profit and sell there magazine
Ideology-The media including a music magazine can send a message through the way it is represented. That message can be through the images or through the stories in the magazine. The magazine cover is usually inspirational and can make us want to be like the cover star or model.
Representation-Who is being represented? This varies due to the genre of music in the magazine. If the magazine is a rock magazine then the target audience is usually around 18-30 year old boys, but if the magazine is pop and has someone like Lady Gaga on the front then the target audience would be 16-25 girls, as young girls usually like pop music.

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