Monday 20 December 2010

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Exercise

As a practice for our real music front covers we were asked to do a preliminary exercise. I had to produce a front cover and contents page for a new school/collage magazine. The magazine front cover had to include a medium close up image of a student for a background and then have appropriate text and images lade out around it. Also it had to have a well-named title. After that we then had to do a contents layout that consisted of images and writing to follow up the front cover.

Preliminary Front cover analysis
I created my front cover in Photoshop. The title is very clear and stands out on the page well. I have done this because the title is the main identifying point of a magazine and it is what people will look for when picking it up off the shelf. I decided to name the magazine ‘La Swap Way'. I called it this because its contents would be based on lifestyle going around the school's sixth form.  The idea I wanted to portray was that the magazine would be the centre of information on what every one is doing and talking about. I used two fonts for the masthead of my front cover and a different one for the cover lines to add variety. I used colours from the sixth form logo to keep the front cover colour coordinated.

Preliminary Contents Page Analysis

For my contents I had to produce a mock up that could demonstrate that I knew what a contents layout looks like as well as helping me to grasp how to use the program in order to create it correctly. To make my contents I also used Photoshop. My contents consisted of page order bullet points saying what was going on in each page, pictures and page numbers. 

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